Friday, April 3, 2009

Brut: Still Brutally Male? Shame.

Dear Brut,

I write to tell you how deeply disturbed I am by your current television advertising campaign.

Using the tagline "Brut: Still Brutally Male" draws a horrifyingly overt link between masculinity and violence. Given the shameful rates of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and physical assault in Australian society, where the majority of perpetrators are men, this tagline is ill-judged and offensive.

The links between performative 'male' behaviour and explicit violence are well established in popular culture. When a mainstream, high profile brand like Brut effectively states that brutality and masculinity are inextricable, this presents a disturbing message for the men and boys who take on board that to be a man they must be aggressive, and a frightening picture of modern masculinity for the women who must negotiate the threat of intimidation and violence every day.

I strongly suggest that you withdraw this advertisement immediately. You may wish instead to consider publicly acknowledging the poor judgment shown in using this tagline, and sponsoring an anti-violence campaign.

Violence and brutality are always inexcusable, even if it is intended to be a play on words. You should consider why you have chosen to perpetuate it with this appalling tagline.

Yours faithfully,

Miss T

PS seeing as you appear to be an entity without contact details, I have made a complaint to the Advertising Standards Board.

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